Source code for pylcp.hamiltonians.XFmolecules

import numpy as np
from sympy.physics.wigner import wigner_3j, wigner_6j, wigner_9j
import scipy.constants as cts

def __wig3j(j1, j2, j3, m1, m2, m3):
    This function redefines the wig3jj in terms of things that I like:
    return float(wigner_3j(j1, j2, j3, m1, m2, m3))

def __wig6j(j1, j2, j3, l1, l2, l3):
    This function redefines the wig6jj in terms of things that I like:
    return float(wigner_6j(j1, j2, j3, l1, l2, l3))

def __wig9j(j1, j2, j3, l1, l2, l3, n1, n2, n3):
    This function redefines the wig9jj in terms of things that I like:
    return float(wigner_9j(j1, j2, j3, l1, l2, l3, n1, n2, n3))

def __ishermitian(A):
    Simple method to check if a matrix is Hermitian.
    return np.allclose(A, np.conjugate(A.T), rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-10)

def __isunitary(A):
    Simple method to check if a matrix is Hermitian.
    return np.allclose(np.identity(A.shape[0]), A.T @ A, atol=1e-10)

[docs]def Xstate(N, I, B=0., gamma=0., b=0., c=0., CI=0., q0=0, q2=0, gS=-cts.value('electron g factor'), gI=cts.value('proton g factor'), muB=cts.value('Bohr magneton in Hz/T')*1e-4*1e-6, muN=cts.m_e/cts.m_p*cts.value('Bohr magneton in Hz/T')*1e-4*1e-6, return_basis=False): """ Defines the field-free and magnetic field-dependent components of the :math:`X^2\\Sigma^+` ground state Hamiltonian. Parameters ---------- N : int Rotational quantum number. I : int or float Nuclear spin quantum number of the fluorine, usually 1/2 B : float Rotational constant. Default: 0. gamma : float Electron-spin rotational coupling constant. Default: 0. b : float Isotropic spin-spin interaction. Default: 0. c : float Anisotropic spin-spin interaction. Default: 0. CI : float Nuclear-spin rotational coupling constant. Default: 0. q0 : float Electron quadrupole constant. Default: 0. q2 : float Electron quadrupole constant. Default: 0. gS : float Electron spin g-factor. Default: CODATA value. gI : float Nuclear (proton) g-factor. Default: CODATA value. muB : float, optional Bohr Magneton. Default value is the CODATA value in MHz/G. muN : float Nuclear Magneton. Default value is the CODATA value in MHz/G return_basis : boolean, optional Boolean to specify whether to return the basis as well as the Hamiltonian matrices. Default: True. Notes ----- Assuming Hund's case (b) with basis :math:`\\left|\\Lambda, N, \\Sigma, J, F, m_F, P \\right>`, :math:`\\Lambda=0` and :math:`\\Sigma=1/2`. The full Hamiltonian is a combination of a Brown and Carrington, *Rotational Spectroscopy of Diatomic Molecules*, Eqs. 9.88 (rotation), 9.89 (spin-rotation), 9.90 (hyperfine), 9.91 (dipole-dipole interaction), 9.53 (electric quadrupole), 8.183 (electronic spin Zeeman) and 8.185 (nuclear spin Zeeman). See the comments in the code for more details on equations used and approximations made. Most Hamiltonian parameters are both keyword arguments and by default zero so that the user can easily turn on only the relavent terms easily. """ # ----- # Converting between hyperfine parameter conventions (thanks to Prof T. Steimle) # ----- # APar=Aiso+2Adip # Apar=b+c # Aper=Aiso-Adip # Aper=b # Adip=c/3 # Aiso= bF = b+c/3 # These quantum numbers are the same: Lambda = 0 S = 1/2 # Update N to an array, in case we want multiple N: Ns = np.array(N) Ns.shape = (Ns.size,) # Make the basis states: basis = np.empty((0, ), dtype=[('Lambda', 'i4'), ('N', 'i4'), ('J', 'f4'), ('F', 'f4'), ('mF', 'f4'), ('P', 'i4')]) for N in np.array(Ns): for J in np.arange(np.abs(N-S), N+S+1, 1): for F in np.arange(np.abs(J-I), J+I+1, 1): for mF in np.arange(-F, F+1, 1): basis = np.append( basis, np.array([(Lambda, N, J, F, mF, (-1)**N)], dtype=basis.dtype)) # To Do: rename to B_q to mu_p; mu for magnetic, p refers to lab frame # coordinates for molecules. q refers to molecule frame coordinates and # the current labeling is confusing # Brown and Carrington 9.89 def spinrotation(l, NN, J, F, m, P, lp, NNp, Jp, Fp, mp, Pp): return gamma*(-1)**(NN + J + S)*__wig6j(S, NN, J, NN, S, 1)*\ np.sqrt(S*(S + 1)*(2*S + 1)*NN*(NN + 1)*(2*NN + 1))*\ (l==lp)*(NN == NNp)*(J == Jp)*(F == Fp)*(m == mp)*(P==Pp) # Brown and Carrington 9.90 def hyperfine(l, NN, J, F, m, P, lp, NNp, Jp, Fp, mp, Pp): return (b + c/3)*(-1)**(Jp + F + I)*__wig6j(I, Jp, F, J, I, 1)*\ (-1)**(NN+J+S+1)*__wig6j(S, Jp, NN, J, S, 1)*\ np.sqrt((2*J+1)*(2*Jp+1)*I*(I+1)*(2*I+1)*S*(S+1)*(2*S+1))*\ (l==lp)*(NN == NNp)*(F == Fp)*(m == mp)*(P==Pp) # Brown and Carrington 9.91 def dipoledipole(l, NN, J, F, m, P, lp, NNp, Jp, Fp, mp, Pp): return (1/3*c*np.sqrt(30))*(-1)**(Jp + F + I + 1 + NN)*\ __wig6j(I, Jp, F, J, I, 1)*\ np.sqrt(I*(I + 1)*(2*I + 1))*\ np.sqrt((2*J+1)*(2*Jp+1))*\ np.sqrt(S*(S + 1)*(2*S + 1))*\ __wig9j(J, Jp, 1, NN, NNp, 2, S, S, 1)*\ np.sqrt((2*NN + 1)*(2*NNp + 1))*\ __wig3j(NN, 2, NNp, 0, 0, 0)*\ (NN == NNp)*(F == Fp)*(m == mp)*(P == Pp) # Brown and Carrington pg. 458 def nuclearspinrotation(l, NN, J, F, m, P, lp, NNp, Jp, Fp, mp, Pp): return CI*(-1)**(Jp + F + I)*\ __wig6j(I, Jp, F, J, I, 1)*\ (-1)**(Jp + NN + 1 + S)*np.sqrt((2*Jp + 1)*(2*J + 1))*\ __wig6j(J, NN, S, NN, Jp, 1)*\ np.sqrt(NN*(NN + 1)*(2*NN + 1))*\ np.sqrt(I*(I + 1)*(2*I + 1))*\ (NN == NNp)*(F == Fp)*(m == mp)*(P == Pp) #Brown and Carrington 9.88; rotattion def rotation(l, NN, J, F, m, P, lp, NNp, Jp, Fp, mp, Pp): return B*NN*(NN + 1)*\ (NN == NNp)*(J == Jp)*(F == Fp)*(m == mp)*(P == Pp) #Brown and Carrington 9.53, adapted to Hund's case b #see also Brown and Carrington 9.94 (Electronic quadrupole interaction) def electricquadrupole(l, NN, J, F, m, P, lp, NNp, Jp, Fp, mp, Pp): return (-1)**(Jp + I + F)*__wig6j(I, J, F, Jp, I, 2)*\ (-1)**(NNp + S + J)*__wig6j(J, NN, S, NN, Jp, 2)*\ (-1)**(NN - l)*np.sqrt((2*J+1)*(2*Jp+1)*(2*NN + 1)*(2*NNp + 1))/\ __wig3j(I, 2, I, -I, 0, I)*\ (NN == NNp)*(J == Jp)*(F == Fp)*(P == Pp)*(m == mp)*\ (q0/4*__wig3j(NN, 2, NNp, -l, 2, lp) + q2/(4*np.sqrt(6))*(-1)**(J - S)*P*\ __wig3j(NN, 2, NNp, -l, 2, -lp)) # Brown and Carrington 8.183 def electronspinzeeman(l, NN, J, F, MF, P, lp, NNp, Jp, Fp, MFp, Pp, p): return gS*muB*(-1)**(F - MF)*__wig3j(F, 1, Fp, -MF, p, MFp)*\ (-1)**(Fp + J + 1 + I)*np.sqrt((2*Fp + 1)*(2*F + 1))*\ __wig6j(F, J, I, Jp, Fp, 1)*\ (-1)**(J + NN + 1 + S)*np.sqrt((2*Jp + 1)*(2*J + 1))*\ __wig6j(J, S, NN, S, Jp, 1)*\ np.sqrt(S*(S + 1)*(2*S + 1))*\ (l==lp)*(NN == NNp)*(P == Pp) # Brown and Carrington 8.185 def nuclearspinzeeman(l, NN, J, F, MF, P, lp, NNp, Jp, Fp, MFp, Pp,p): return -gI*muN*(-1)**(F - MF)*__wig3j(F, 1, Fp, -MF, p, MFp)*\ (-1)**(F + J + 1 + I)*np.sqrt((2*Fp + 1)*(2*F + 1))*\ __wig6j(F, I, J, I, Fp, 1)*np.sqrt(I*(I + 1)*(2*I + 1))*\ (NN == NNp)*(P == Pp)*(J==Jp) H0 = np.zeros((basis.shape[0], basis.shape[0])) for ii, basis_i in enumerate(basis): for jj, basis_j in enumerate(basis): args = tuple(basis_i) + tuple(basis_j) H0[ii, jj] = spinrotation(*args) + hyperfine(*args) +\ dipoledipole(*args) + nuclearspinrotation(*args) if I >=1: H0[ii, jj] += electricquadrupole(*args) if Ns.size >= 2: H0[ii,jj] += rotation(*args) mu_p = np.zeros((3, basis.shape[0], basis.shape[0])) qs = [-1, 0, 1] for ll, q_i in enumerate(qs): for ii, basis_i in enumerate(basis): for jj, basis_j in enumerate(basis): args = tuple(basis_i) + tuple(basis_j) + (q_i,) mu_p[ll, ii, jj] = electronspinzeeman(*args) + \ nuclearspinzeeman(*args) # Check to see if H0 is diagonal. If not, diagonalize it: if np.count_nonzero(H0 - np.diag(np.diagonal(H0))) > 0: if not __ishermitian(H0): raise ValueError("H0 is not hermitian.") # Diagonalize each m_F separately: E = np.zeros((basis.shape[0],)) U = np.zeros((basis.shape[0], basis.shape[0])) for mF_i in np.unique(basis['mF']): inds = mF_i == basis['mF'] if sum(inds) > 1: inds = np.where(inds)[0] E[inds], U[np.ix_(inds,inds)] =\ np.linalg.eigh(H0[np.ix_(inds,inds)]) else: E[inds] = H0[inds, inds] U[inds, inds] = 1 # Check the U matrix: if not __isunitary(U): raise ValueError("Something went wrong with diagonalization.") ind = np.lexsort((basis['mF'], E)) U = U[:, ind] H0 = U.T @ H0 @ U for ii in range(3): mu_p[ii, :, :] = U.T @ mu_p[ii, :, :] @ U else: U = np.identity(H0.shape[0]) if return_basis: return H0, mu_p, U, basis else: return H0, mu_p, U
[docs]def Astate(J, I, P, B=0., D=0., H=0., a=0., b=0., c=0., eQq0=0., p=0., q=0., gS=-cts.value('electron g factor'), gL=1, gl=0, glprime=0, gr=0, greprime=0, gN=0, muB=cts.value('Bohr magneton in Hz/T')*1e-4*1e-6, muN=cts.m_e/cts.m_p*cts.value('Bohr magneton in Hz/T')*1e-4*1e-6, return_basis=False): """ Defines the field-free and magnetic field-dependent components of the excited :math:`A^2\Pi_{1/2}` state Hamiltonian. Parameters ---------- J : int Rotational quantum number(s) I : int or float Nuclear spin quantum number P : int or float Parity quantum number (:math:`\\pm1`) B : float Rotational constant. Default: 0. D : float First non-rigid rotor rotational constant. Default: 0. H : float Second non-rigid rotor rotational constant. Default: 0. a : float Frosch and Foley :math:`a` parameter. Default: 0. b : int or float Frosch and Foley :math:`b` parameter. Default: 0. c : int or float Frosch and Foley :math:`c` parameter. Default: 0. eQq0: int or float electric quadrupole hyperfine constant (only valid for I>=1). Default: 0. p : float Lambda-doubling constant. Default: 0. q : float Lambda-doubling constant. Default: 0. muB : float Bohr Magneton. Default value is the CODATA value in MHz/G. muN : float Nuclear Magneton. Default value is the CODATA value in MHz/G. gS : float Electron spin g-factor. Default: CODATA value. gL : float Orbital g-factor. Note that it may deviate slightly from 1 due to relativistic, diamagnetic, and non-adiabatic contributions. Default: :math:`g_L = 1`. gr : float Rotational g-factor. Default: 0. gl : float Anisotropic electron spin g-factor. Default: 0. glprime : float Parity-dependent anisotropic electron spin g-factor. A reasonable approximation is that :math:`g_l' \\sim p/2B`. Default: 0. greprime : float Parity-dependent electron contribution to rotational g-factor. A resonable approximation is that :math:`g_{re}' \\sim -q/B`. Default: 0. gN : float Nuclear spin g-factor. It changes negligibly in most molecules. Default: 0. return_basis : boolean, optional Boolean to specify whether to return the basis as well as the Hamiltonian matrices. Default: True. Notes ----- Assumes the A state is in Hund's case (a), namely :math:`\\left|\\Lambda, J, \\Omega, I, F, m_F, P \\right>`. By definition, :math:`\\Sigma = \\Omega - \\Lambda`. For the A state, :math:`\\Sigma=1/2`, :math:`\\Lambda=1`, and then :math:`\\Omega=1/2`. The full Hamiltonian is a combination of a Brown and Carrington, *Rotational Spectroscopy of Diatomic Molecules*, Eqs. 6.196 (rotation), 8.401 (:math:`\Lambda`-doubling), 8.372 (nuclear spin-orbit coupling), 8.374 (Fermi contact interaction), 8.506 (quadrupole), 9.57, 9.58, 9.59, 9.60, 9.70, and 9.71 (Zeeman interaction). See the comments in the code for more details on equations used and approximations made. Most Hamiltonian parameters are both keyword arguments and by default zero so that the user can easily turn on only the relavent terms easily. """ basis = np.empty((0, ), dtype=[('Lambda', 'i4'), ('S','f4'), ('J', 'f4'),('O','f4'), ('I', 'f4'), ('F', 'f4'), ('mF', 'f4'),('P', 'i4')]) Ps = np.array(P) Ps.shape = (Ps.size,) Js = np.array(J) Js.shape = (Js.size,) S=1/2 Lambda=1 O=1/2 for P in Ps: for J in Js: for F in np.arange(np.abs(J-I), np.abs(J+I)+1, 1): for mF in np.arange(-F, F+1, 1): basis = np.append(basis, np.array( [(Lambda, S, J, O, I, F, mF, P)], dtype=basis.dtype)) # Brown and Carrington, 6.196: def rotation(L, S, J, O, I, F, mF, P, Lp, Sp, Jp, Op, Ip, Fp, mFp, Pp): return (B*J*(J+1) - D*J**2*(J+1)**2 + H*J**3*(J+1)**3)*(L==Lp)*(S==Sp)*(J==Jp)*(O==Op)*(I==Ip)*(F==Fp)*(mF==mFp)*(P==Pp) #6.196 # Only correct for $^2\Pi_{1/2}$ states, see table on page 531 of Brown # and Carrington. See 8.401 for full Lambda doubling Hamiltonian. def lambda_doubling(L, S, J, O, I, F, mF, P, Lp, Sp, Jp, Op, Ip, Fp, mFp, Pp): return -P*(-1)**(J-1/2)*(p+2*q)*(J+1/2)/2*(L==Lp)*(S==Sp)*(J==Jp)*(O==Op)*(I==Ip)*\ (F==Fp)*(mF==mFp)*(P==Pp) # Brown and Carrington 8.372 def nuclearspinorbit(L, S, J, O, I, F, mF, P, Lp, Sp, Jp, Op, Ip, Fp, mFp, Pp): return a*L*(-1)**(Jp+F+I)*__wig6j(I,Jp,F,J,I,1)*np.sqrt(I*(I+1)*(2*I+1))*(-1)**(J-O)*\ __wig3j(J, 1, Jp, -O, 0, Op)*np.sqrt((2*J+1)*(2*Jp+1))*\ (L==Lp)*(S==Sp)*(I==Ip)*(F==Fp)*(P==Pp)*(mF==mFp) # Brwon and Carrington 8.374, Using Omega = Lambda + Sigma, or Sigma = Omega-Labmda def fermicontact(L, S, J, O, I, F, mF, P, Lp, Sp, Jp, Op, Ip, Fp, mFp, Pp): return (b+c/3)*(-1)**(Jp+F+I+J-O+S-(O-L))*__wig6j(I, Jp, F, J, I, 1)*np.sqrt(I*(I+1)*(2*I+1)*(2*J+1)*(2*Jp+1)*S*(S+1)*(2*S+1))*\ (S==Sp)*(I==Ip)*(F==Fp)*(mF==mFp)*(P==Pp)*(-1)**(J+S-2*O+L)*\ 0.5*( __wig3j(J, 1, Jp, -O, -1, Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, -(O-L),-1, (Op-Lp)) + P*(-1)**(J-S)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, +O, -1, Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, +(O-L),-1, (Op-Lp)) + Pp*(-1)**(Jp-Sp)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, -O, -1, -Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, -(O-L),-1, -(Op-Lp)) + P*Pp*(-1)**(J-S+Jp-Sp)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, +O, -1, -Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, +(O-L),-1, -(Op-Lp))+\ __wig3j(J, 1, Jp, -O, 0, Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, -(O-L), 0, (Op-Lp)) + P*(-1)**(J-S)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, +O, 0, Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, +(O-L), 0, (Op-Lp)) + Pp*(-1)**(Jp-Sp)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, -O, 0, -Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, -(O-L), 0, -(Op-Lp)) + P*Pp*(-1)**(J-S+Jp-Sp)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, +O, 0, -Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, +(O-L), 0, -(Op-Lp))+\ __wig3j(J, 1, Jp, -O, 1, Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, -(O-L), 1, (Op-Lp)) + P*(-1)**(J-S)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, +O, 1, Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, +(O-L), 1, (Op-Lp)) + Pp*(-1)**(Jp-Sp)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, -O, 1, -Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, -(O-L), 1, -(Op-Lp)) + P*Pp*(-1)**(J-S+Jp-Sp)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, +O, 1, -Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, +(O-L), 1, -(Op-Lp)) ) # Brown and Carrington 8.506. This ignores eQq2, which couples states with \Delta\Omega = \pm 2, see Brown and Carrington 8.382 def quadrupole(L, S, J, O, I, F, mF, P, Lp, Sp, Jp, Op, Ip, Fp, mFp, Pp): return -(-1)**(Jp+I+F)*__wig6j(I, J, F, Jp, I, 2)/__wig3j(I, 2, I, -I, 0, I)*(-1)**(J-O)*np.sqrt((2*J+1)*(2*Jp+1))*\ (L==Lp)*(S==Sp)*(O==Op)*(I==Ip)*(F==Fp)*(mF==mFp)*(P==Pp)*\ eQq0/4*__wig3j(J, 2, Jp, -O, 0, Op) def zeeman(L, S, J, O, I, F, mF, P, Lp, Sp, Jp, Op, Ip, Fp, mFp, Pp): reduced_matrix_elements = 0 # 9.57, orbital Zeeman + rotational Zeeman term: reduced_matrix_elements += muB*(gL+gr)*L*(-1)**(Fp+J+I+1+J-O)*__wig6j(J,F,I, Fp,Jp,1)* __wig3j(J,1,Jp, -O,0,Op)* np.sqrt((2*F+1)*(2*Fp+1)*(2*J+1)*(2*Jp+1))*(L==Lp)*(O==Op)*(S==Sp)*(I==Ip)*(P==Pp) # 9.58, electron spin Zeeman + rotational Zeeman term: reduced_matrix_elements += muB*(gS+gr+gl)*(-1)**(Fp+J+I+1+J-O+S-(O-L))*__wig6j(J,F,I, Fp,Jp,1)*np.sqrt((2*F+1)*(2*Fp+1)*(2*J+1)*(2*Jp+1)*S*(S+1)*(2*S+1))*(L==Lp)*(S==Sp)*(I==Ip)*(P==Pp)*\ 0.5*( __wig3j(J, 1, Jp, -O, -1, Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, -(O-L),-1, (Op-Lp)) + P*(-1)**(J-S)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, +O, -1, Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, +(O-L),-1, (Op-Lp)) + Pp*(-1)**(Jp-Sp)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, -O, -1, -Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, -(O-L),-1, -(Op-Lp)) + P*Pp*(-1)**(J-S+Jp-Sp)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, +O, -1, -Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, +(O-L),-1, -(Op-Lp))+\ __wig3j(J, 1, Jp, -O, 0, Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, -(O-L), 0, (Op-Lp)) + P*(-1)**(J-S)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, +O, 0, Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, +(O-L), 0, (Op-Lp)) + Pp*(-1)**(Jp-Sp)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, -O, 0, -Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, -(O-L), 0, -(Op-Lp)) + P*Pp*(-1)**(J-S+Jp-Sp)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, +O, 0, -Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, +(O-L), 0, -(Op-Lp))+\ __wig3j(J, 1, Jp, -O, 1, Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, -(O-L), 1, (Op-Lp)) + P*(-1)**(J-S)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, +O, 1, Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, +(O-L), 1, (Op-Lp)) + Pp*(-1)**(Jp-Sp)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, -O, 1, -Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, -(O-L), 1, -(Op-Lp)) + P*Pp*(-1)**(J-S+Jp-Sp)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, +O, 1, -Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, +(O-L), 1, -(Op-Lp)) ) #9.59, Nuclear spin zeeman: reduced_matrix_elements += -muN*gN*(-1)**(Fp+J+I+1)*__wig6j(I,F,J, Fp,I,1)*np.sqrt(I*(I+1)*(2*I+1)*(2*F+1)*(2*Fp+1))*(L==Lp)*(S==Sp)*(J==Jp)*(O==Op)*(I==Ip)*(P==Pp) #9.60, third and final rotational Zeeman term: reduced_matrix_elements += -muB*gr*(-1)**(Fp+J+I+1)*__wig6j(J,F,I, Fp,Jp,1)*np.sqrt(J*(J+1)*(2*J+1)*(2*F+1)*(2*Fp+1))*(L==Lp)*(S==Sp)*(J==Jp)*(O==Op)*(I==Ip)*(P==Pp) #cf 9.58 and 9.71, anisotropic electron spin Zeeman: reduced_matrix_elements += -muB*(gl)*(O-L)*(-1)**(Fp+J+I+1+J-O)*__wig6j(J,F,I, Fp,Jp,1)* __wig3j(J,1,Jp, -O,0,Op)* np.sqrt((2*F+1)*(2*Fp+1)*(2*J+1)*(2*Jp+1))*(L==Lp)*(S==Sp)*(O==Op)*(I==Ip)*(P==Pp) #cf 9.70,9.71 parity-dependent Zeeman terms: reduced_matrix_elements += -muB*(glprime-greprime)*(-1)**(Fp+J+I+1+J-O)*__wig6j(J,F,I, Fp,Jp,1)* __wig3j(J,1,Jp, -O,0,Op)* np.sqrt((2*F+1)*(2*Fp+1)*(2*J+1)*(2*Jp+1)*S*(S+1)*(2*S+1))*\ 0.5*( __wig3j(J, 1, Jp, -O, +1, Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, -(O-L),-1, (Op-Lp)) + P*(-1)**(J-S)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, +O, +1, Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, +(O-L),-1, (Op-Lp)) + Pp*(-1)**(Jp-Sp)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, -O, +1, -Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, -(O-L),-1, -(Op-Lp)) + P*Pp*(-1)**(J-S+Jp-Sp)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, +O, +1, -Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, +(O-L),-1, -(Op-Lp))+\ __wig3j(J, 1, Jp, -O, -1, Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, -(O-L),+1, (Op-Lp)) + P*(-1)**(J-S)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, +O, -1, Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, +(O-L),+1, (Op-Lp)) + Pp*(-1)**(Jp-Sp)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, -O, -1, -Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, -(O-L),+1, -(Op-Lp)) + P*Pp*(-1)**(J-S+Jp-Sp)*__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, +O, -1, -Op)*__wig3j(S, 1, Sp, +(O-L),+1, -(Op-Lp)) ) # In essence, apply Wigner-Eckart Theorem: mu_q = np.zeros((3,)) for kk, p in enumerate([-1, 0, 1]): mu_q[kk] = (-1)**p *(-1)**(F-mF)* __wig3j(F,1,Fp, -mF, p, mFp)*reduced_matrix_elements #check if we need the (-1)**p factor here!!! return mu_q H_0 = np.zeros((basis.shape[0], basis.shape[0])) for ii, basis_i in enumerate(basis): for jj, basis_j in enumerate(basis): args = tuple(basis_i) + tuple(basis_j) H_0[ii, jj] = nuclearspinorbit(*args) +fermicontact(*args) if Ps.size !=1: H_0[ii,jj]+= lambda_doubling(*args) if I >= 1: H_0[ii,jj] +=quadrupole(*args) if Js.size >= 2: #if only considering a single J, ignore energy offset due to rotation H_0[ii, jj] += rotation(*args) mu_p = np.zeros((3, basis.shape[0], basis.shape[0])) for ii, basis_i in enumerate(basis): for jj, basis_j in enumerate(basis): args = tuple(basis_i) + tuple(basis_j) mu_p[:, ii, jj] = zeeman(*args) if return_basis: return H_0, mu_p, basis else: return H_0, mu_p
[docs]def dipoleXandAstates(xbasis, abasis, I=1/2, S=1/2, UX=[], return_intermediate=False): """ Calculate the oscillator strengths between the X and A states. Parameters ---------- xbasis : list or array_like List of basis vectors for the X state abasis : list or array_like List of basis vectors for the A state I : int or float Nuclear spin angular momentum. Default: 1/2. S : int or float :math:`\\Sigma` quantum number. Default: 1/2. UX : two-dimensional array, optional a rotation matrix for case (b) into the intermediate eigenbasis. Default: empty return_intermediate : boolean, optional Argument to return the intermediate bases and transformation matrices. Notes ---- The X state is assumed to be Hund's case (b) while the A state is assumed to be Hund's case (a). Thus, this function makes an intermediate basis to transform between the two. """ dijq = np.zeros((3, xbasis.shape[0], abasis.shape[0])) def dipole_matrix_element(L, Sig, O, J, F, mF, Lp, Sigp, Op, Jp, Fp, mFp, q): """ The dipole matrix element, less the reduced matrix element between the X and A states. Shorthand: L=Lambda, O=Omega, P=parity. """ return (-1)**(F-mF)*__wig3j(F, 1, Fp, -mF, q, mFp)*(-1)**(Fp+J+I+1)*\ np.sqrt((2*F+1)*(2*Fp+1))*__wig6j(Jp, Fp, I, F, J, 1)*\ (-1)**(J-O)*np.sqrt((2*J+1)*(2*Jp+1))*\ (__wig3j(J, 1, Jp, -O, -1, Op) + __wig3j(J, 1, Jp, -O, +1, Op)) def elements_transform_a_to_b(L, Sig, O, J, F, mF, Lp, Np, Jp, Fp, mFp, Pp): """ Matrix elements to transform for Hund's case (a) to (b) (Norrgard thesis, pg.) """ return (-1)**(J+Sig+L)*np.sqrt(2*Np+1)*__wig3j(S, Np, J, Sig, L, -O)*\ (L == Lp)*(J == Jp)*(F == Fp)*(mF == mFp) def elements_transform_a_to_p(L, S, J, O, I, F, mF, P, Lp, Sigp, Op, Jp, Fp, mFp): """ Matrix elements to transform for Hund's case (a) to to parity Eq. 6.234 """ if Lp > 0: el = 1/np.sqrt(2)*(J == Jp)*(F == Fp)*(mF == mFp) else: el = 1/np.sqrt(2)*P*(-1)**(J-S)*(J == Jp)*(F == Fp)*(mF == mFp) return el """ Now, we need to sum over all states to transform between Hund's case (a) and (b). """ intbasis_ba = np.empty((0, ), dtype=[('Lambda', 'i4'), ('Sigma', 'f4'), ('Omega', 'f4'), ('J', 'f4'), ('F', 'f4'), ('mF', 'f4')]) LambdaX = xbasis['Lambda'][0] Ns = np.unique(xbasis['N']) for N in Ns: for Omega in np.arange(-S, S+1, 1): for J in np.arange(np.abs(N-S), np.abs(N+S)+1, 1): for F in np.arange(np.abs(J-I), np.abs(J+I)+1, 1): for mF in np.arange(-F, F+1, 1): intbasis_ba = np.append( intbasis_ba, np.array([(LambdaX, Omega, Omega, J, F, mF)], dtype=intbasis_ba.dtype)) # Make the transformation array to transform from Hund's case (b) to # Hund's case (a): T_ba = np.zeros((xbasis.shape[0], intbasis_ba.shape[0])) for ii, xbasis_i in enumerate(xbasis): for jj, intbasis_ba_i in enumerate(intbasis_ba): T_ba[ii, jj] = elements_transform_a_to_b( *(tuple(intbasis_ba_i) + tuple(xbasis_i)) ) """ Now, we need to sum over all states to transform between Hund's case (a) and parity states. """ intbasis_ap = np.empty((0, ), dtype=[('Lambda', 'i4'), ('Sigma', 'f4'), ('Omega', 'f4'), ('J', 'f4'), ('F', 'f4'), ('mF', 'f4')]) # This implicitly assumes |Omega|=J in the A state JA = np.unique(abasis['J']) LambdaA = np.unique(abasis['Lambda'])[0] # It's one lambda for J in JA: Sigma = J-LambdaA for F in np.arange(np.abs(J-I), np.abs(J+I)+1, 1): for mF in np.arange(-F, F+1, 1): intbasis_ap = np.append(intbasis_ap, np.array( [(LambdaA, Sigma, Omega, J, F, mF), (-LambdaA, -Sigma, -Omega, J, F, mF)], dtype=intbasis_ap.dtype)) # Now make the transfer matrix: T_pa = np.zeros((abasis.shape[0], intbasis_ap.shape[0])) for (ii, abasis_i) in enumerate(abasis): for (jj, intbasis_ap_i) in enumerate(intbasis_ap): T_pa[ii, jj] = elements_transform_a_to_p( *(tuple(abasis_i) + tuple(intbasis_ap_i))) T_ap = T_pa.T # Make the dipole matrix element operator in this intermediate basis: intdijq = np.zeros((3, intbasis_ba.shape[0], intbasis_ap.shape[0])) for ii, q in enumerate(np.arange(-1, 2, 1)): for jj, intbasis_ba_i in enumerate(intbasis_ba): for kk, intbasis_ap_i in enumerate(intbasis_ap): intdijq[ii, jj, kk] = dipole_matrix_element( *(tuple(intbasis_ba_i) + tuple(intbasis_ap_i) + (q,)) ) # Finally, did the user pass to us a rotation matrix for case (b) into the # eignebasis: if UX == []: UX = np.identity(xbasis.shape[0]) # Now transform in Hund's case A basis dijq = np.zeros((3, xbasis.shape[0], abasis.shape[0])) for ii in range(3): dijq[ii] = UX.T @ T_ba @ intdijq[ii] @ T_ap if return_intermediate: return dijq, T_ap, T_ba, intdijq, intbasis_ap, intbasis_ba else: return dijq
# %% Run some tests if we are in the main namespace: if __name__ == '__main__': import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'paper') plt.close('all') # %% """ Let's focus on the ground manifold first: """ # SrF numbers """H0_X, Bq_X, U_X, Xbasis = Xstate( N=1, Lambda=0, return_basis=True, B=7487.60, b=97.0834, c=30.268, cc=2.876e-2, gamma=74.79485 )""" # CaF numbers: Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 86 (2), 365 (1981) H0_X, Bq_X, U_X, Xbasis = Xstate( N=1, Lambda=0, S=1/2, I=1/2, return_basis=True, B=10303.98670, b=109.1893, c=40.1190, CI=2.876e-2, gamma=39.65891 ) B = np.linspace(0, 20, 101) Es_X = np.zeros((B.size, H0_X.shape[0])) for ii, B_i in enumerate(B): Es_X[ii, :], Us = np.linalg.eig(H0_X+Bq_X[1]*B_i) Es_X[ii, :] = np.sort(Es_X[ii, :]) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, num="Ground state Zeeman effect") ax.plot(B, Es_X, '-', color='C0') # Let's see if I get the same thing putitng it in the x-direction: for ii, B_i in enumerate(B): Es_X[ii, :], Us = np.linalg.eig(H0_X - Bq_X[0]/np.sqrt(2)*B_i + Bq_X[2]/np.sqrt(2)*B_i) Es_X[ii, :] = np.sort(Es_X[ii, :]) ax.plot(B, Es_X, linewidth=0.75, color='C1') ax.set_xlabel('$B$ (G)') ax.set_ylabel('$E$ (MHz)') # %% """ What does the excited state look like? """ H0_A, Bq_A, Abasis = Astate(J=1/2,I=1/2,P=+1, a=3/2*4.8, p=-1313.091, B= 10456.19, glprime=-3*.0211, return_basis=True) #for CaF, Lambda-doubling parameter p=-1313.091 print(H0_A, Bq_A) B = np.linspace(0, 20, 101) Es_A = np.zeros((B.size, H0_A.shape[0])) for ii, B_i in enumerate(B): Es_A[ii, :], Us = np.linalg.eig(H0_A+Bq_A[1]*B_i) Es_A[ii, :] = np.sort(Es_A[ii,:]) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, num="Excited state Zeeman shift") ax.plot(B, Es_A, '-', color='C0') # Let's see if I get the same thing putitng it in the x-direction: for ii, B_i in enumerate(B): Es_A[ii, :], Us = np.linalg.eig(H0_A - Bq_A[0]/np.sqrt(2)*B_i + Bq_A[2]/np.sqrt(2)*B_i) Es_A[ii, :] = np.sort(Es_A[ii,:]) ax.plot(B, Es_A, '--', linewidth=0.75, color='C1') ax.set_xlabel('$B$ (G)') ax.set_ylabel('$E$ (MHz)') # %% """ Let's check the projections: """ # [print(Xbasis[ii], U_X[ii,:]) for ii in range(Xbasis.shape[0])] # %% """ Now let's focus on the dipole matrix elements between X and A: """ np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True) dijq, T_pa, T_ba, dijqint, intbasis_ap, intbasis_ba = dipoleXandAstates( Xbasis, Abasis, I=1/2, S=1/2, UX=U_X, return_intermediate=True) #np.savetxt('/Users/spe/Desktop/Tba_N1.csv', T_ba, # delimiter=',') #[print(Xbasis[ii]) for ii in range(Xbasis.shape[0])] #print(dijq[0, :, :]**2) #print(np.sum(dijq**2, axis=0)) #print(np.sum(dijq**2, axis=(0,1))) # Try to reproduce Barry and Norrgard table: """for ii in range(Xbasis.shape[0])[::-1]: big_comp = np.argmax(U_X[:, ii]**2) print(np.sum(dijq[:, ii, :]**2,axis=0)[[0, 3, 2, 1]], '(', Xbasis['N'][big_comp], ',', Xbasis['J'][big_comp], ',', Xbasis['F'][big_comp], ',', Xbasis['mF'][big_comp], ')')""" # print(dijq[0,:,:]**2) # Try to reproduce Fig. 3 rates; Tarbutt, PRA 92, 053401 (2015) qind = 2 print('F_g = 1: F_e = 0: {0:.3f} F_e = 1: {1:.3f}'.format( np.sum(dijq[qind, 0:3, 0]**2), np.sum(dijq[qind, 0:3, 1::]**2))) print('F_g = 0: F_e = 0: {0:.3f} F_e = 1: {1:.3f}'.format( np.sum(dijq[qind, 3, 0]**2), np.sum(dijq[qind, 3, 1::]**2))) print('F_g = 1: F_e = 0: {0:.3f} F_e = 1: {1:.3f}'.format( np.sum(dijq[qind, 4:7, 0]**2), np.sum(dijq[qind, 4:7, 1::]**2))) print('F_g = 2: F_e = 0: {0:.3f} F_e = 1: {1:.3f}'.format( np.sum(dijq[qind, 7::, 0]**2), np.sum(dijq[qind, 7::, 1::]**2)))